The Captain and Casey Show
Fuel TV HD
Завтра в 05:30•Сезон 2. 12-я серия - "5boro Montage & Mystery Guest"вт, 12 ноябШоу Капитана и Кейси приветствует Джимми Грека, Стива Берру, Боба Бернквиста, Криса Марковича и многих других.
ЗавтраAn interview with a mysterious guest; A 5boro Montage; The Captain and Casey make pies with Brad Johnson at Za Pizza; and a Hellrose Montage presented by DJ Chavez.
О передаче
The Captain and Casey Show is an American sports television series hosted by Jeff Carlson (Captain Fun) and Chris Casey, and also Shellene Reese (Cake Girl). The series is also available on the Internet via live streaming.